I am a person who doesn’t like beating around the bush. I like to take it like it is and say it like it is even if it hurts. In fact Exodus 20:16 says, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (ESV). Then it dawn on me that I have often acted like a butcher more than like a surgeon.
Both a butcher and surgeon cut and remove bad parts. However, one thing that is different between them is what happens after cutting. Unlike butchers (not referring to them as wrong), doctors stitch up the incision after the surgery. What would happen if a surgeon left the incision open? Without stitching back and caring for it, a surgery (good intention) can lead to fatality.
I am a pastor and thus, I talk a lot! Proverbs 15:4 says, “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” (NIV). I pray that I would act like a doctor using scalpel to cut and remove the wrongs but also to stitch up the wound and help people heal.
So I am T.H.I.N.K.-ing before I speak… T – is it True? H – is it Helpful? I – is it Inspiring? N – is it Necessary? K – is it Kind?
Have a blessed week!