A jab is very important part of boxing or any fight because what it does. A jab is quick and fast punch that sets up for more powerful or perhaps a knock out punch. Jabs can be used for defensively by jabbing to keep space with the opponent or distract your opponent while you regain yourself. Then there is a “pivot jab” which is more powerful jab that uses shifted weight to the lead foot to cause a bigger damage.
No smart boxer would only throw “knock out” punches but use jabs integrally and Satan is expert in this jabbing.
Unfortunately, I’ve heard a few pastors whom I know (know of) were accused and arrested for their sexual sin and made the local news. They were faithfully serving the Lord over a decade but all gone (their future and ministry) in one punch. However, I wonder if it was really one “knock out” punch that got them. Rather I believe it was a series of “jabbing” that lowered their guard to sin.
Apostle Paul said in Galatians 5:21-22, “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil” (NIV). Three words to remember: TEST, HOLD and AVOID! Test and see if it is good. If it is good, hold on to it. If it is not good, then avoid it. What a great words to remember by as we fight the good fight.
Have a blessed week!